Explore Slovenia from air, experience skydiving in Slovenia

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Is sky really the limit? Or is it just a beginning to something more, something magical, spectacular, and unforgettable? Try it for yourself; try skydiving in Slovenia, with a little help from Altitude activities. Come to Altitude activities or check https://www.altitude-activities.com/jump-fall-and-fly/skydiving-in-slovenia and we will find the best possible skydiving in Slovenia experience for you. We will take you as high as we can, and in the meantime, you can enjoy fantastic scenery of our small treasure named Slovenia. Panoramic flight takes you high above Bled, Bovec, Bohinj, or other breath-taking places that are suitable for skydiving in Slovenia.

Skydiving in Slovenia

You will get to experience another perspective and treat yourself to a journey that will stay in your memory forever. One day, you might even tell a story about free-falling above the Bled Lake to your grandchildren.

Read also next article: Top Reasons to Stay in Spa Hotels in Slovenia

The coming holidays are the best time to focus on the one thing that matters the most, and that is taking care of both your mind and body. This is the time to pamper yourself at the spa hotels in Slovenia that offer the most exquisite treatments you can ever ask for. 

Are you ready to fly like a bird?

Skydiving in Slovenia makes this happen… even when the weather is bad. How is this possible, you will ask? Let us tell you a secret. Altitude activities takes you to an indoor skydiving experience. You do not get that in other agencies, do you?

Skydiving in Slovenia

And how do we do it?

We will meet at the Logatec Indoor Skydiving centre (we can also arrange transfer to the site, just mention this at Altitude activities), where you will get suitable clothing, basic training by one of the best coaches in Slovenia, and then you get to fly in a vertical wind tunnel. Exciting is it not? What is even better is that your whole family can join. The experience is suitable for ages 8 and up. There is no upper limit, as long as you are healthy (in case of medical issues, please, consult one or our guides at booking).
We guarantee you; with skydiving in Slovenia, your whole family will have a time of your life!

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